
All our Articles are researched and written by passionate Soviet Reenactors. We have all kinds of articles hosted here covering various topics from tactics, weapons, and gear, to culture and daily soldier life. If you want to share an article, visit our Contribute page. Happy reading товарищи, ура! – BootSpoon

The DP-27 light machine gun was produced to address the need for a reliable, portable, and effective weapon that could provide sustained suppressive fire on the battlefield. Read about the weapon's basic history, production and use. - Written by Tyler Tidmore

This article seeks to flesh out the classic dialogue in a new way by arguing for a reexamination of how reenactors should utilize captured items both for educational and immersion purposes. - Written by Andrew Huebner

To understand the Eastern Front during World War II, reading is an absolute must. The books listed here dispel common myths associated with the Eastern Front on both sides, pretreated by popular culture and older outdated books. - Written by various members

When acquiring a Mosin Nagant rifle, finding one with the original finish intact is a rarity. This guide provides the basics to restoring your stock to look like wartime production. - Written by Tyler Brusseau and Max Schmidt

These suits are mainly used by scouts and small infantry groups, pontoniers and bridge builders to perform auxiliary work in the water, and miners in the installation of anti-landing mines. - Written by Tyler Tidmore

“Why should you weather your items?” A common question asked by many reenactors. This guide is for those that want to put the extra amount of work they see fit adding to their impression. - Written by Donovan Grbic

Identify wartime models, along with the many different paint schemes and styles of cockades that were used by troops of the Red Army from 41-45. - Written by Daniel Ondon White

This document is a translation of Памятка Командиру Отделения Автоматчиков, a 1943 guide for squad leaders which summarized two years of bloody lessons for the RKKA. - Written by Mike Ellis

The DP-27 light machine gun was produced to address the need for a reliable, portable, and effective weapon that could provide sustained suppressive fire on the battlefield. Read about the weapon's basic history, production and use. - Written by Tyler Tidmore

This article seeks to flesh out the classic dialogue in a new way by arguing for a reexamination of how reenactors should utilize captured items both for educational and immersion purposes. - Written by Andrew Huebner

To understand the Eastern Front during World War II, reading is an absolute must. The books listed here dispel common myths associated with the Eastern Front on both sides, pretreated by popular culture and older outdated books. - Written by various members

When acquiring a Mosin Nagant rifle, finding one with the original finish intact is a rarity. This guide provides the basics to restoring your stock to look like wartime production. - Written by Tyler Brusseau and Max Schmidt

These suits are mainly used by scouts and small infantry groups, pontoniers and bridge builders to perform auxiliary work in the water, and miners in the installation of anti-landing mines. - Written by Tyler Tidmore

“Why should you weather your items?” A common question asked by many reenactors. This guide is for those that want to put the extra amount of work they see fit adding to their impression. - Written by Donovan Grbic

Identify wartime models, along with the many different paint schemes and styles of cockades that were used by troops of the Red Army from 41-45. - Written by Daniel Ondon White

This document is a translation of Памятка Командиру Отделения Автоматчиков, a 1943 guide for squad leaders which summarized two years of bloody lessons for the RKKA. - Written by Mike Ellis

Check out our basic overview of the incredibly simplified Soviet submachine gun, the PPS-43. Read about the weapon's basic history, production and use. - Written by Ernst Schafer

Learn how to properly pack the Obr. 36 pack used by the Red Army from 1936 though Operation Barbarossa in 1941. - Written by Anton Gatenian

This article covers the basics of Red Army positional camouflage theorized in the 1930s and put into practice during WWII. - Written by Max Schmidt

A guide split into four sections; the alphabet, words/common phrases, military terms, and conversation, which covers basic Russian for you reenacting needs. - Written by Ernst, Katherine and Andrew

This article will give people the chance to view entire infantry setups put together with original uniforms and gear. - Written by Ethan toye

Here you can read everything you need to know about the Budenovka, the Soviet winter helmet, which saw service from 1919 to 1940. - Written by Ethan Toye

Political workers (also collectively but inaccurately known as ‘commissars’) were an integral part of the RKKA, intended to fulfill one of the army’s raisons d’être. - Written by Will Kerrs

Check out our basic overview of the iconic Soviet submachine gun, the PPSh-41. Read about the weapon's basic history, production and use. - Written by Ernst Schafer and Max Schmidt

This article will provide the basic steps to sew a collar liner into your tunic using the Obr. 35 as an example. - Written by Elena Oreshkin and Max Schmidt

A basic overview of the Soviet TT-33 (Tula-Tokarev) handgun covering the history, reproductions, use, and maintenance of the weapon. - Written by Ernst Schafer

This article is a basic guide to Red Army ranks and insignia from 1935 to 1945 and why these changes occurred in response to war. - Written by Lukas Maksin and Max Schmidt.

A simple guide covering the basics of an established trench at the squad level. This article contains information from the 1939 Entrenching Manual. - Written by Max Schmidt

This document is a quick introduction to the main models, their usage, and any technical information we can provide. - Written by Zac Williams

This guide has an example for each Red Army tunic from the 1930s - 1943. A great place to start if you are interested in uniforms. - Written by Ethan Toye

A simple guide for properly packing the meeshok (rucksack) with the personal items carried by a Red Army soldier. - Written by Anton Gatenian

This is a guide to the uniforms and equipment that every Soviet rifleman would be issued during the period from 1943 to 1945. Within 70th Guards, this is our primary impression, as many of our events take place during this time period.

A simple overview and breakdown of rations issued to Red Army soldiers, dry rations in particular. - Written by Zac Williams.

This is one of our original guides for what Istochnik is, what we do, what are standards are, and how to get started reenacting Soviet.

This article provides a historical breakdown of the development and use of gasmasks in the Russian Imperial Army during WWI. - Written by Andrew Wurth.

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