Other Eras
Russian Imperial Army (1907-15)
Through diligent analysis of material culture and trawling of original photos and documents, a clearer image of the average infantryman of the Russian Imperial Army (RIA) has begun to emerge. This guide is by no means perfect, as information regarding dates of issue and more precise descriptions for various pieces of gear comes filtering in more and more by the day. All this in thanks to the diligent work of other amateur historians working in the field. It is the intention of the author to add such updates to this document as they are needed.
Polish Bolshevik War
The Polish–Soviet war erupted in 1919 in the aftermath of World War I. The root causes were twofold: a territorial dispute dating back to Polish–Russian wars in the 17–18th centuries; and a clash of ideology due to RSFSR’s goal of spreading communist rule further west. At that time both countries had just undergone transition; in 1918 Poland reclaimed independence after 123 years of partitions. In 1917 the October Revolution replaced the democratic Provisional Government that had previously displaced the Tsar in Russia, with Soviet rule. This guide will contain information on both Soviet and Polish impressions.
Through diligent analysis of material culture and trawling of original photos and documents, a clearer image of the average infantryman of the Russian Imperial Army (RIA) has begun to emerge. This guide is by no means perfect, as information regarding dates of issue and more precise descriptions for various pieces of gear comes filtering in more and more by the day. All this in thanks to the diligent work of other amateur historians working in the field. It is the intention of the author to add such updates to this document as they are needed.
The Polish–Soviet war erupted in 1919 in the aftermath of World War I. The root causes were twofold: a territorial dispute dating back to Polish–Russian wars in the 17–18th centuries; and a clash of ideology due to RSFSR’s goal of spreading communist rule further west. At that time both countries had just undergone transition; in 1918 Poland reclaimed independence after 123 years of partitions. In 1917 the October Revolution replaced the democratic Provisional Government that had previously displaced the Tsar in Russia, with Soviet rule. This guide will contain information on both Soviet and Polish impressions.