Russian for Reenactors

By Ernst Schafer, Katherine Oreshkin and Andrew Wurth

This guide will serve as a basis for learning Russian at a sufficient level for reenacting events. It is split into four parts, 101-104, each part getting more in-depth. While no one is required to speak any amount of Russian to attend events, we do encourage people to learn some basics. If you want to go above and beyond feel free to look over all four sections, and continue learning on your own! 

101: Basic Russian

Кто не рискует, тот не пьет шампанское

He who doesn’t take risks doesn’t drink champagne



1 – Один (ah-DEEN)
2 – Два (dvah)
3 – Три (tree)
4 – Четыре (cheh-TY-reh)
5 – Пять (pyat’)
6 – Шесть (shest’)
7 – Семь (sem’)
8 – Восемь (vo-syem’)
9 – Девять (dyeh-VYAT’)
10 – Десять (dyeh-SYAT’)
20 – Двадцать (dva-DZAHT’)
30 – Тридцать (tree-DZAHT’)
40 – Сорок (SO-ruk)
50 – Пятьдесят (pyat’-DYEH-syat’) 60 – Шестьдесят (shest’-DYEH-syat’)
70 – Семьдесят (syem’-DYEH-syat’)
80 – Восемьдесят (vo-syem’-DYEH-syat’)
90 – Девяносто (dyev-ya-NO-sta)
100 – Сто (STO)
1000 – тысяча (tih-SYAH-chah)


*Image used with permission from Red Guard

“Pilots” Cap – Пилотка – Pilotka – [pee-lot-ka]
Shoulder Boards – Погоны – Pogony – [pa-go-ny]
Tunic – Гимнастёрка – Gymnastyor’ka – [gim-nas-tyor’-ka]
Bayonet – Штык – Shtyk – [shtyk]
Belt – Ремень – Remyen’ – [re-myen’]
Breeches/Pants – Шаровары – Sharovary – [sha-ro-va-ry]
Rifle – Винтовка – Vintovka – [vin-tof-ka]
Boots (Jackboots/high boots) – Сапоги – Sapogi – [sa-po-gi]
Backpack/Rucksack – Мешок – Meshok – [me-shok]
Raincape/Shelter – Плащ палатка – Plashch palatka – [plashch pa-lat-ka]
Canteen – Фляга – Flyaga – [flya-ga]
Shovel – Лопата – Lopata – [lo-pa-ta]
Gas Mask Bag – Сумка противогазная – Sumka protivogaznaya – [sum-ka pro-ti-vo-gaz-na-ya]
Helmet – Шлем/Каска – Shlem/Kaska – [shlem/ka-ska]
Messkit – Котелок – Kotelok – [ko-te-lok]
Low Boots – Ботинки – Botinki – [bo-tin-ki]
Visor Cap – Фурашка – Furashka – [fu-rash-ka]
Overcoat – Шинель – Shinel’ – [shi-nel’]
Ammunition pouch – Боеприпасы сумка – [bo-ye-pri-pa-si soom-ka]
Submachine gun – Пистолет-пулемёт (pistolet-pulemyot) – [pis-ta-let pu-le-myot]
Grenade – Граната (granata) – [gra-na-ta]

*Image used with permission from Red Guard

“Pilots” Cap – Пилотка – Pilotka – [pee-lot-ka]
Shoulder Boards – Погоны – Pogony – [pa-go-ny]
Tunic – Гимнастёрка – Gymnastyor’ka – [gim-nas-tyor’-ka]
Bayonet – Штык – Shtyk – [shtyk]
Belt – Ремень – Remyen’ – [re-myen’]
Breeches/Pants – Шаровары – Sharovary – [sha-ro-va-ry]
Rifle – Винтовка – Vintovka – [vin-tof-ka]
Boots (Jackboots/high boots) – Сапоги – Sapogi – [sa-po-gi]
Backpack/Rucksack – Мешок – Meshok – [me-shok]
Raincape/Shelter – Плащ палатка – Plashch palatka – [plashch pa-lat-ka]
Canteen – Фляга – Flyaga – [flya-ga]
Shovel – Лопата – Lopata – [lo-pa-ta]
Gas Mask Bag – Сумка противогазная – Sumka protivogaznaya – [sum-ka pro-ti-vo-gaz-na-ya]
Helmet – Шлем/Каска – Shlem/Kaska – [shlem/ka-ska]
Messkit – Котелок – Kotelok – [ko-te-lok]
Low Boots – Ботинки – Botinki – [bo-tin-ki]
Visor Cap – Шапка – Shapka – [shap-ka]
Overcoat – Шинель – Shinel’ – [shi-nel’]
Ammunition pouch – Боеприпасы сумка – [bo-ye-pri-pa-si soom-ka]
Submachine gun – Пистолет-пулемёт (pistolet-pulemyot) – [pis-ta-let pu-le-myot]
Grenade – Граната (granata) – [gra-na-ta]


Yes – Да (da) – [da]
No – Нет (net) – [nyet]
Stop/Halt – Стоп/Стой (stop/stoy) – [stop/stoy]
I don’t know – Я не знаю (ya ne znayu) – [ya ne znayu]
I don’t understand – Я не понимаю (ya ne ponimayu) – [ya ne pa-nee-ma-yu]
I forgot – Я забыл (ya zabyl) – [ya za-byl]
What’s up? – Что нового? (chto novogo) – [chto no-vo-go]
Nothing – Ничего (nichego) – [ni-che-vo]
How are you? – Как дела? (kak dela) – [kak de-la]
Fine – Хорошо (horosho) – [ha-ra-sho]
I’m hot – Мне жарко (mne zhar-ko) – [mne zhar-ko]
I’m cold – Мне холодно (mne kholodno) – [mne kha-la-dno]
I’m hungry – Я голоден (ya goloden) – [ya ga-la-den]
I’m thirsty – Я хочу пить (ya khochu pit’) – [ya ha-chu pit’]
Help me! – Помогите мне! (pomogite mne) – [pa-ma-ge-te mne]

Yes – Да (da) – [da]
No – Нет (net) – [nyet]
Stop/Halt – Стоп/Стой (stop/stoy) – [stop/stoy]
I don’t know – Я не знаю (ya ne znayu) – [ya ne znayu]
I don’t understand – Я не понимаю (ya ne ponimayu) – [ya ne pa-nee-ma-yu]
I forgot – Я забыл (ya zabyl) – [ya za-byl]
What’s up? – Что нового? (chto novogo) – [chto no-vo-go]
Nothing – Ничего (nichego) – [ni-che-vo]
How are you? – Как дела? (kak dela) – [kak de-la]
Fine – Хорошо (horosho) – [ha-ra-sho]
I’m hot – Мне жарко (mne zhar-ko) – [mne zhar-ko]
I’m cold – Мне холодно (mne kholodno) – [mne kha-la-dno]
I’m hungry – Я голоден (ya goloden) – [ya ga-la-den]
I’m thirsty – Я хочу пить (ya khochu pit’) – [ya ha-chu pit’]
Help me! – Помогите мне! (pomogite mne) – [pa-ma-ge-te mne]

102: Squad/Field Commands

Лучше пуля в лоб, чем снаряд в спину

Better a bullet in the forehead than a shell in the back

  • Attention!” (“Внимание!” / “Vnimaniye!”) – v-nee-ma-ni-ye
  • Form up – Сформироваться! (sformirovat’sya!) – [sfor-mi-rovat’-sya]
  • Line up! – тесь! (rahv-nyahy-tees)
  • Shoulder arms – Оружие на плечо! (ah-roo-zhee-ye nah pleh-cho)
  • Prepare for battle! – К бою готовьтесь! (k boh-yoo go-tov-tyes)
  • Stay in formation – Следуйте строем! (sleduyte stroem!) – [sle-dui-te stro-em]
  • Move out – В путь! (v put’) – [v put’]
  • Double time – Бегом! (begom!) – [be-gom]
  • Advance – Вперёд! (vperyod!) – [vpye-ryod]
  • Move forward! – Двигаться вперед! (dvee-ga-tsa vp-ye-ryet)
  • Forward march!” (“Вперед, марш!” / “Vpered, marsh!”) – vpye-ryet, marsh!
  • Fix bayonets – На штык! (na shtyk!) – [na shtyk]
  • Attack – Атакуй! (ataku!) – [a-ta-kuy]
  • Attack that position – Атакуйте эту позицию! (atakuyte etu pozitsiyu!) – [a-ta-kuy-te e-tu po-zi-tsi-yu]
  • Charge – Вперёд на атаку! (vperyod na ataku!) – [vpye-ryod na a-ta-ku]
  • Follow me – Следуй за мной! (sleduy za mnoi!) – [sle-dui za mnai]
  • Follow my lead – Следуйте за мной! (sleduyte za mnoy!) – [sle-duy-te za mnoy]
  • Cover me! – Прикройте меня! (pree-kroy-tye mye-nya)
  • Take prisoners – Берите пленных! (berite plennykh!) – [be-ri-te plen-nykh]
  • Hands up! – руки вверх (roo-KEE fvyerkh)
  • Take no prisoners – Не берите пленных! (ne berite plennykh!) – [ne be-ri-te plen-nykh]
  • Halt – Стой! (stoy!) – [stoy]
  • Take cover – Крыша! (krysha!) – [kry-sha]
  • Squat – Присядь! (pree-syahd)
  • Keep your head down – Не поднимайте головы! (ne podnimayte golovy!) – [ne pod-ni-mai-te go-lo-vy]
  • Stay low – Оставайтесь на земле! (ostavaytes’ na zemle!) – [os-ta-va-ytes’ na zem-le]
  • Take cover and return fire – Укрыться и ответить на огонь! (ukrytsya i otvetit’ na ogon’!) – [uk-ryt-sya i ot-ve-tit’ na a-gon’]
  • Provide suppressing fire – Обеспечьте подавление огня! (obespech’te podavleniye ognya!) – [o-be-spech’-te po-da-vle-ni-ye o-gnya]
  • Suppress the enemy – Подавить врага! (podavit’ vraga!) – [po-da-vit’ vra-ga]
  • Take out the enemy – Уничтожьте врага! (unichtozh’te vraga!) – [u-ni-chtozh-te vra-ga]
  • Take aim – Навести прицел! (navesti pritsel!) – [na-ves-tee pri-tsel]
  • Hold fire – Не стреляйте! (ne strelyayte!) – [ne strye-lyai-te]
  • Fire on command! – Подавайте огонь по команде! (pah-dah-vahy-tye ah-gohn poh koh-mahn-dye)
  • Fire! – Огонь! (ah-gohn)
  • Fire at will – Огонь по желанию! (ogon’ po zhelaniyu!) – [a-gon’ po zhe-la-nee-yu]
  • Cease fire – Прекратите огонь! (prekratite ogon’!) – [pre-kra-ti-te a-gon’]
  • Prime your grenades! – Зажигайте гранаты! (zah-zhee-gahy-tye grah-na-ty)
  • Attention!” (“Внимание!” / “Vnimaniye!”) – v-nee-ma-ni-ye
  • Form up – Сформироваться! (sformirovat’sya!) – [sfor-mi-rovat’-sya]
  • Line up! – тесь! (rahv-nyahy-tees)
  • Shoulder arms – Оружие на плечо! (ah-roo-zhee-ye nah pleh-cho)
  • Prepare for battle! – К бою готовьтесь! (k boh-yoo go-tov-tyes)
  • Stay in formation – Следуйте строем! (sleduyte stroem!) – [sle-dui-te stro-em]
  • Move out – В путь! (v put’) – [v put’]
  • Double time – Бегом! (begom!) – [be-gom]
  • Advance – Вперёд! (vperyod!) – [vpye-ryod]
  • Move forward! – Двигаться вперед! (dvee-ga-tsa vp-ye-ryet)
  • Forward march!” (“Вперед, марш!” / “Vpered, marsh!”) – vpye-ryet, marsh!
  • Fix bayonets – На штык! (na shtyk!) – [na shtyk]
  • Attack – Атакуй! (ataku!) – [a-ta-kuy]
  • Attack that position – Атакуйте эту позицию! (atakuyte etu pozitsiyu!) – [a-ta-kuy-te e-tu po-zi-tsi-yu]
  • Charge – Вперёд на атаку! (vperyod na ataku!) – [vpye-ryod na a-ta-ku]
  • Follow me – Следуй за мной! (sleduy za mnoi!) – [sle-dui za mnai]
  • Follow my lead – Следуйте за мной! (sleduyte za mnoy!) – [sle-duy-te za mnoy]
  • Cover me! – Прикройте меня! (pree-kroy-tye mye-nya)
  • Take prisoners – Берите пленных! (berite plennykh!) – [be-ri-te plen-nykh]
  • Hands up! – руки вверх (roo-KEE fvyerkh)
  • Take no prisoners – Не берите пленных! (ne berite plennykh!) – [ne be-ri-te plen-nykh]
  • Halt – Стой! (stoy!) – [stoy]
  • Take cover – Крыша! (krysha!) – [kry-sha]
  • Squat – Присядь! (pree-syahd)
  • Keep your head down – Не поднимайте головы! (ne podnimayte golovy!) – [ne pod-ni-mai-te go-lo-vy]
  • Stay low – Оставайтесь на земле! (ostavaytes’ na zemle!) – [os-ta-va-ytes’ na zem-le]
  • Take cover and return fire – Укрыться и ответить на огонь! (ukrytsya i otvetit’ na ogon’!) – [uk-ryt-sya i ot-ve-tit’ na a-gon’]
  • Provide suppressing fire – Обеспечьте подавление огня! (obespech’te podavleniye ognya!) – [o-be-spech’-te po-da-vle-ni-ye o-gnya]
  • Suppress the enemy – Подавить врага! (podavit’ vraga!) – [po-da-vit’ vra-ga]
  • Take out the enemy – Уничтожьте врага! (unichtozh’te vraga!) – [u-ni-chtozh-te vra-ga]
  • Take aim – Навести прицел! (navesti pritsel!) – [na-ves-tee pri-tsel]
  • Hold fire – Не стреляйте! (ne strelyayte!) – [ne strye-lyai-te]
  • Fire on command! – Подавайте огонь по команде! (pah-dah-vahy-tye ah-gohn poh koh-mahn-dye)
  • Fire! – Огонь! (ah-gohn)
  • Fire at will – Огонь по желанию! (ogon’ po zhelaniyu!) – [a-gon’ po zhe-la-nee-yu]
  • Cease fire – Прекратите огонь! (prekratite ogon’!) – [pre-kra-ti-te a-gon’]
  • Prime your grenades! – Зажигайте гранаты! (zah-zhee-gahy-tye grah-na-ty)
  • Use grenades – Используйте гранаты! (ispol’zuyte granaty!) – [ispal’-zuy-te gra-na-ty]
  • Grenade! – Граната! (granata!) – [grana-ta]
  • Medic! – Медик! (medik!) – [me-dik]
  • Provide medical assistance – Обеспечьте медицинскую помощь! (obespech’te meditsinskuyu pomoshch’) – [o-be-spech’-te me-di-tsi-nsku-yu po-moshch’]
  • Reload – Перезарядка! (perezaradka!) – [pe-re-za-rad-ka]
  • Watch your flank – Смотрите за флангом! (smotrite za flangom!) – [smo-tri-te za flan-gom]
  • Flank the enemy – Окружить врага! (okruzhit’ vraga!) – [ok-ru-zhit’ vra-ga]
  • Flank left/right! (“На левый/правый фланг!” / “Na levyi/pravyi flang!”) – na lye-vyi/pra-vyi flang
  • Follow the plan – Следуйте плану! (sleduyte planu!) – [sle-dui-te pla-nu]
  • Stay on mission – Оставайтесь на задаче! (ostavaytes’ na zadache!) – [os-ta-va-ytes’ na za-da-che]
  • Take the objective – Захватите объект! (zakhvatite obyekt!) – [zah-va-ti-te ob-yekt]
  • Retreat – Отступать! (otstupat’!) – [at-stu-pat’]
  • Fall back – Отступить! (otstupit’!) – [ot-stu-pit’]
  • Regroup – Соберитесь! (soberites’!) – [so-be-ri-tes’]
  • Rally here – Собирайтесь здесь! (sobiraytes’ zdes’!) – [so-bi-ra-ytes’ zdes’]
  • Regroup at this location – Соберитесь на этой позиции! (soberites’ na etoy pozitsii!) – [so-be-ri-tes’ na e-toy po-zi-tsi-i]
  • Take up defensive positions! – Занять оборону! (zah-nyat’ ah-bah-roh-nu)
  • Defend – Защищайте! (zashchishchayte!) – [za-shchish-chaite]
  • Establish a defensive position – Установите оборонительную позицию! (ustanovite oboronitel’nuyu pozitsiyu!) – [us-ta-no-vi-te o-bo-ro-ni-tel’-nu-yu po-zi-tsi-yu]
  • Hold the line – Держите линию обороны! (derzhite liniiu oborony!) – [der-zhi-te li-ni-yu a-bo-ro-ny]
  • Hold your ground – Удерживайте свою позицию! (uderzhivayte svoyu pozitsiyu!) – [u-der-zhi-va-yte sva-yu po-zi-tsi-yu]
  • Hold this position – Удерживайте эту позицию! (uderzhivayte etu pozitsiyu!) – [u-der-zhi-va-yte e-tu po-zi-tsi-yu]
  • Hold your position – Держите позицию! (derzhite pozitsiyu!) – [der-zhi-te po-zi-tsi-yu]
  • Secure the area – Обезопасьте район! (obezopas’te rayon!) – [a-be-za-pas’-te ra-yon]
  • Search the premises – Осмотрите помещение! (osmotrite pomeshcheniye!) – [os-mo-tri-te po-mesh-cheni-ye]
  • Secure the perimeter – Обезопасьте периметр! (obezopas’te perimetr!) – [a-be-za-pas’-te pe-ri-met-r]
  • Enemy in the building! – Враг в здании! (vrahg v zda-nee-ee)
  • Enemy over there – Враг там – (vrag tam)
  • Go up to the second floor! – Поднимайтесь на второй этаж! (pod-nee-mahy-tyes’ na ftah-rohy ye-tazh)
  • Scout the area! – Разведать территорию! (raz-vee-dahyt’ tyer-ree-tah-ree-yu)
  • Use grenades – Используйте гранаты! (ispol’zuyte granaty!) – [ispal’-zuy-te gra-na-ty]
  • Grenade! – Граната! (granata!) – [grana-ta]
  • Medic! – Медик! (medik!) – [me-dik]
  • Provide medical assistance – Обеспечьте медицинскую помощь! (obespech’te meditsinskuyu pomoshch’) – [o-be-spech’-te me-di-tsi-nsku-yu po-moshch’]
  • Reload – Перезарядка! (perezaradka!) – [pe-re-za-rad-ka]
  • Watch your flank – Смотрите за флангом! (smotrite za flangom!) – [smo-tri-te za flan-gom]
  • Flank the enemy – Окружить врага! (okruzhit’ vraga!) – [ok-ru-zhit’ vra-ga]
  • Flank left/right! (“На левый/правый фланг!” / “Na levyi/pravyi flang!”) – na lye-vyi/pra-vyi flang
  • Follow the plan – Следуйте плану! (sleduyte planu!) – [sle-dui-te pla-nu]
  • Stay on mission – Оставайтесь на задаче! (ostavaytes’ na zadache!) – [os-ta-va-ytes’ na za-da-che]
  • Take the objective – Захватите объект! (zakhvatite obyekt!) – [zah-va-ti-te ob-yekt]
  • Retreat – Отступать! (otstupat’!) – [at-stu-pat’]
  • Fall back – Отступить! (otstupit’!) – [ot-stu-pit’]
  • Regroup – Соберитесь! (soberites’!) – [so-be-ri-tes’]
  • Rally here – Собирайтесь здесь! (sobiraytes’ zdes’!) – [so-bi-ra-ytes’ zdes’]
  • Regroup at this location – Соберитесь на этой позиции! (soberites’ na etoy pozitsii!) – [so-be-ri-tes’ na e-toy po-zi-tsi-i]
  • Take up defensive positions! – Занять оборону! (zah-nyat’ ah-bah-roh-nu)
  • Defend – Защищайте! (zashchishchayte!) – [za-shchish-chaite]
  • Establish a defensive position – Установите оборонительную позицию! (ustanovite oboronitel’nuyu pozitsiyu!) – [us-ta-no-vi-te o-bo-ro-ni-tel’-nu-yu po-zi-tsi-yu]
  • Hold the line – Держите линию обороны! (derzhite liniiu oborony!) – [der-zhi-te li-ni-yu a-bo-ro-ny]
  • Hold your ground – Удерживайте свою позицию! (uderzhivayte svoyu pozitsiyu!) – [u-der-zhi-va-yte sva-yu po-zi-tsi-yu]
  • Hold this position – Удерживайте эту позицию! (uderzhivayte etu pozitsiyu!) – [u-der-zhi-va-yte e-tu po-zi-tsi-yu]
  • Hold your position – Держите позицию! (derzhite pozitsiyu!) – [der-zhi-te po-zi-tsi-yu]
  • Secure the area – Обезопасьте район! (obezopas’te rayon!) – [a-be-za-pas’-te ra-yon]
  • Search the premises – Осмотрите помещение! (osmotrite pomeshcheniye!) – [os-mo-tri-te po-mesh-cheni-ye]
  • Secure the perimeter – Обезопасьте периметр! (obezopas’te perimetr!) – [a-be-za-pas’-te pe-ri-met-r]
  • Enemy in the building! – Враг в здании! (vrahg v zda-nee-ee)
  • Enemy over there – Враг там – (vrag tam)
  • Go up to the second floor! – Поднимайтесь на второй этаж! (pod-nee-mahy-tyes’ na ftah-rohy ye-tazh)
  • Scout the area! – Разведать территорию! (raz-vee-dahyt’ tyer-ree-tah-ree-yu)

103: Drill and Formation

Наш боец – наша гордость

Our soldier is our pride

Forming Unit For Assembly

The platoon or squad leaders assemble facing their superior commander, and indicate with their left arm raised shoulder height horizontal to the ground where their unit is to line up and facing what direction.  The unit leader immediately shouts out:


 On this command every soldier takes his place in formation. 

 A unit always lines up to the left of its unit leader, facing in his same direction.  For drill assembly, the unit assembles in order of height, the tallest soldier on the right, next to the unit leader.

  The distance between each soldier is to be 15 cm (6 in) from elbow to elbow.  Units are spaced 1.5m (60 in) apart.

  Unless otherwise instructed, soldiers will always assemble with their weapons, and at Order Arms. Officers and unit leaders only wear sidearms during assembly.

   The unit commissar (politruk) stands behind and to the left of the CO, both facing the assembling troops.

  When the soldiers have formed, the unit leader takes a position in front of his troops and shouts


     All heads except the far right soldier snap to the right. Rifles are brought vertical next to the soldier’s leg.


      All heads snap forward and rifles are inclined slightly forward as at “order arms”.


      Each soldier counts off, as he shouts his number, he turns his head to the left and immediately snaps forward again.  When the last man counts off, he steps forward and shouts out his number and steps back.  

  The unit leader then marches to the CO, salutes and reports: “Tovarish Kommandir, 1st Squad, 9 soldiers ready!  Sgt Leonov reporting!”

   The CO salutes in response to his subordinate’s salute.  After the report, the CO says “Stand easy”

    The reporting unit leader then marches back to his unit and takes up position at the far right of the unit’s front rank.   Every unit leader shall strive to be the 1st to have his troops properly assembled and be the 1st to report

Basic Commands Regarding Weapons In Assembly And March

     1. Order Arms   (Kah nah-GEH)

  This is the basic position for the rifle and light machine guns when the troops 1st assemble.  The soldier stands with the butt of the weapon placed next to his right toe of his right boot and the trigger facing away from the body.  The weapon is held by the right hand just below the forward sling collar.  It is held leaning slightly forward until the soldiers are called to attention. 

 Upon the order “Rahv-N’YAAS” (Dress ranks) the soldier moves the weapon’s barrel back towards his side into a vertical position.

  Upon the order “Smehr-nah!” (Attention!) the soldier again leans the barrel of the rifle slightly forward. 

  1. Sling Arms    (Nah-Reh-Meen!)

  This command can also be used for the rifle, with or without bayonet and the LMG.  The rifle or LMG is slung around to the back of the right shoulder, barrel upright, and the right hand holds the sling.  This is the most common manner of holding the weapons while on the march in the field.  Submachine guns are slung behind the right shoulder with the barrel pointed downward.

  1. Shoulder Arms   (Nah-Plee-CHO!)

   Shoulder arms is used only for the rifles with bayonets fixedAlways shoulder arms on the left shoulder.    

  1. Port Arms   (Nah Grut’!)

   This is the common position for the SMG at the assembly.  The SMG is held at a 45 degree angle upwards across the chest with the trap over the left shoulder and crossing the back and under the right armpit.  The soldier’s right hand cups the butt-plate while his left grasps the barrel sleeve in front of the magazine.

Always step off with the left foot 1st!

All commands are executed on the last syllable of the last word of the order.

Russain Drill Commands



Used by NCO or officer to get the men’s attention prior to giving the command.


Literally meaning ‘FORM RANKS’. This is always accompanied by what type of formation the soldiers are to form. In the 13th IR we always form a single line, unless otherwise ordered. The tallest soldier stands on the right flank of the line and the shortest on the left. The NCO and/or Officer takes the far right spot in the line.


This command is given before getting the soldiers to stand in attention. The STRAIGHTEN UP command tells the soldiers to straighten their uniforms, equipment and head wear. They are usually given a minute to do this.


At this command, the right soldier in the line stands as at ATTENTION while the rest of the soldiers to their left turn their heads to the right and make sure they are perfectly aligned with the line to their right. This posture is held until the command SMEER-NO (ATTENTION) which always follows 3-5 seconds.


This command usually follows the command RAVNIAYS'(ALIGN) command. At the command ATTENTION the soldiers snap their heads back towards the front of the line (unless specified ATTENTION LEFT or ATTENTION RIGHT).The heels of the feet must be touching, the toes pointing outward so that the feet form 75 degree angle. Legs are straight, shoulders pulled back, stomach sucked in, chin high up, eyes pointing straight forward. The left hand is ever so slightly bent at the elbow, elbow tight against the side of the body. The digits of the hand are held tightly together, the palm of the hand is open, slightly cupped and held flat against the side of the body. The right arm like the left arm. The right hand rests on the rifle with thumb behind the stock and the rest of the fingers around the front of the stock. The rifle itself stands magazine forward, with the rifle’s butt resting flush and touching the front of the right boot’s toe.




The rifle is lifted up with the right hand and is brought in a semi-circle across the front of the body so that the magazine ends up facing the back of the line. The left arm comes slightly forward and the left hand cups the bottom of the butt of the gun. The right hand drops back to initial position at the same time as the rifle gently falls to rest on the left shoulder.


The rifle is brought back to stand next to the right foot.


The rifle is lifted towards the center of the body by the right hand. The magazine is facing the front of the line. The left hand clasps the rifle just above the magazine, after which the right hand drops to grasp the rifle just below the trigger guard. The rifle must make a perfectly vertical line from one’s buckle to one’s cockade. Check with your peripheral vision to make sure it is lined up vertically with the rifles of the soldier next to you (DO NOT TURN YOUR HEAD TO LOOK)


At this command make a quarter turn to the right, move your left leg a half a step forward so that the left foot is in front of the right foot. At the same time the right hand has to bring the rifle forward so that the bayonet is in line with the left eye and at neck height. The rifle is to be held firm with both hands: left hand above the second ring and right hand just below the trigger guard.


The rifles are slung over the right shoulder. The rifle’s butt is slightly tilted forward. The right arm extends along the rifle and the right hand rests on the magazine with the thumb on the front of the magazine and the fingers wrapped behind the bolt.

104: Frontovik Phrases

Мужество – это не отсутствие страха, а его преодоление

Courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it

  • For the Motherland! – За Родину! – (Za Rodinu!) – [Zah Roh-dee-noo!]
  • For Stalin! – за Сталина! – (Za Stalina!) – [Za Stalee-na!]
  • Forward, for the Motherland! – Вперед, за Родину! – (Vpered, za Rodinu!) – [Vpeh-red, za Ra-dee-nu!]
  • Forward, for Stalin! – Вперед, за Сталина! – (Vpered, za Stalina!) – [Vpe-red, za Stalee-na!]
  • Not one step back! – Не шагу назад! – (Ne shagu nazad!) – [Neh shah-goo nah-zahd!]
  • Ура! (Ura!) – Hooray! (Oo-rah!)
  • Our goal is Berlin! – Наша цель – Берлин! – (Nasha tsel – Berlin!) – [Nah-sha tsel – Ber-leen!]
  • Forward, to victory! – Вперед, к победе! – (Vpered, k pobede!) – [Vpeh-reht, k pah-beh-deh!]
  • Our tanks are the strongest! – Наши танки – сильнейшие! – (Nashi tanki – sil’neyshie!) – [Nah-shee tahn-kee – seel’-ney-shee-eh!]
  • Our tanks are our shield! – Наши танки – наш щит! – (Nashi tanki – nash schit!) – [Nah-shee tan-ki – nahsh shtit!]
  • Everything for the front, everything for victory! – Все для фронта, все для победы! – (Vse dlya fronta, vse dlya pobedy!) – [Vseh dlya fronta, vseh dlya pah-beh-dee!]
  • Glory to the Soviet Army! – Слава Красной Армии! – (Slava Krasnoy Armii!) – [Slah-vah Kras-noy Ar-mee-ee!]
  • Death to fascism! – Смерть фашизму! – (Smert’ fashizmu!) – [Smeert’ fah-shee-zmoo!]
  • Let the memory of the fallen be eternal! – Пусть память павших будет вечной! – (Pust’ pamyat’ pavshikh budet vechnoy!) – [Poo-st’ pah-myat’ pav-sheekh boo-deht vehch-noy!]
  • We will not forget our heroes! – Не забудем наших героев! – (Ne zabudem nashikh geroev!) – [Neh za-boo-dem nah-shikh guh-ryohv!]
  • We will win! – Мы победим! – (My pobedim!) – [Mee pah-beh-deem!]
  • We will fight the fascists until the end! – Будем бить фашистов до конца! – (Budem bit’ fashistov do kontsa!) – [Boo-dem beet’ fah-shee-stov do kon-tsa!]
  • Glory to the victors! – Слава победителям! – (Slava pobeditelyam!) – [Slah-vah pah-beh-dee-teh-lyam!]
  • Only old men go to battle! – В бой идут одни старики! – (V boy idut odni stariki!) – [V boy ee-doohd od-nee star-ee-kee!]
  • We do not wish death upon you. We wish you good luck. – Мы не пожелаем вам смерти. Мы пожелаем вам удачи. – (My ne pozhelaem vam smerti. My pozhelaem vam udachi.) – [Mee ne pah-zhee-la-yem vahm smehr-tee. Mee pah-zhee-la-yem vahm oo-dah-chee.]
  • Courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. – Мужество – это не отсутствие страха, а его преодоление. – (Muzhestvo – eto ne otsutstvie strakha, a ego preodolenie.) – [Moo-zhes-tvah eh-toh nee aht-sootst-vee-ye stra-kha, a ye-vo preh-o-dah-lee-nee-ye.]
  • We do not forget about our loved ones. – Не забываем про родных и близких. – (Ne zabываем pro rodnykh i blizkikh.) – [Neh za-bee-vah-yem proh rohd-nikh ee bleez-keekh.]
  • By the order of the commander! – По приказу командира! – (Po prikazu komandira!) – [Po pree-kah-zoo koh-man-dee-rah!]
  • No one but us! – Никто, кроме нас! – (Nikto, krome nas!) – [Nee-ktoh, kroh-meh nahs!]
  • In battle, not only the enemy dies, but also a comrade. – В бою погибает не только враг, но и товарищ. – (V boyu pogibaet ne tol’ko vrag, no i tovarishch.) – [V boh-yu pah-gi-ba-yet nee tol’-ko vrag, noh ee toh-vah-ree-shch.]
  • Enemy of the people! – Враг народа! – (Vrag naroda!) – [Vrag na-ro-dah!]
  • Do not count on mercy! – Не рассчитывайте на жалость! – (Ne rasschityvayte na zhalost!) – [Neh rass-chee-ty-vahy-teh nah zha-lost!]
  • For the Motherland! – За Родину! – (Za Rodinu!) – [Zah Roh-dee-noo!]
  • For Stalin! – за Сталина! – (Za Stalina!) – [Za Stalee-na!]
  • Forward, for the Motherland! – Вперед, за Родину! – (Vpered, za Rodinu!) – [Vpeh-red, za Ra-dee-nu!]
  • Forward, for Stalin! – Вперед, за Сталина! – (Vpered, za Stalina!) – [Vpe-red, za Stalee-na!]
  • Not one step back! – Не шагу назад! – (Ne shagu nazad!) – [Neh shah-goo nah-zahd!]
  • Ура! (Ura!) – Hooray! (Oo-rah!)
  • Our goal is Berlin! – Наша цель – Берлин! – (Nasha tsel – Berlin!) – [Nah-sha tsel – Ber-leen!]
  • Forward, to victory! – Вперед, к победе! – (Vpered, k pobede!) – [Vpeh-reht, k pah-beh-deh!]
  • Our tanks are the strongest! – Наши танки – сильнейшие! – (Nashi tanki – sil’neyshie!) – [Nah-shee tahn-kee – seel’-ney-shee-eh!]
  • Our tanks are our shield! – Наши танки – наш щит! – (Nashi tanki – nash schit!) – [Nah-shee tan-ki – nahsh shtit!]
  • Everything for the front, everything for victory! – Все для фронта, все для победы! – (Vse dlya fronta, vse dlya pobedy!) – [Vseh dlya fronta, vseh dlya pah-beh-dee!]
  • Glory to the Soviet Army! – Слава Красной Армии! – (Slava Krasnoy Armii!) – [Slah-vah Kras-noy Ar-mee-ee!]
  • Death to fascism! – Смерть фашизму! – (Smert’ fashizmu!) – [Smeert’ fah-shee-zmoo!]
  • Let the memory of the fallen be eternal! – Пусть память павших будет вечной! – (Pust’ pamyat’ pavshikh budet vechnoy!) – [Poo-st’ pah-myat’ pav-sheekh boo-deht vehch-noy!]
  • We will not forget our heroes! – Не забудем наших героев! – (Ne zabudem nashikh geroev!) – [Neh za-boo-dem nah-shikh guh-ryohv!]
  • We will win! – Мы победим! – (My pobedim!) – [Mee pah-beh-deem!]
  • We will fight the fascists until the end! – Будем бить фашистов до конца! – (Budem bit’ fashistov do kontsa!) – [Boo-dem beet’ fah-shee-stov do kon-tsa!]
  • Glory to the victors! – Слава победителям! – (Slava pobeditelyam!) – [Slah-vah pah-beh-dee-teh-lyam!]
  • Only old men go to battle! – В бой идут одни старики! – (V boy idut odni stariki!) – [V boy ee-doohd od-nee star-ee-kee!]
  • We do not wish death upon you. We wish you good luck. – Мы не пожелаем вам смерти. Мы пожелаем вам удачи. – (My ne pozhelaem vam smerti. My pozhelaem vam udachi.) – [Mee ne pah-zhee-la-yem vahm smehr-tee. Mee pah-zhee-la-yem vahm oo-dah-chee.]
  • Courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. – Мужество – это не отсутствие страха, а его преодоление. – (Muzhestvo – eto ne otsutstvie strakha, a ego preodolenie.) – [Moo-zhes-tvah eh-toh nee aht-sootst-vee-ye stra-kha, a ye-vo preh-o-dah-lee-nee-ye.]
  • We do not forget about our loved ones. – Не забываем про родных и близких. – (Ne zabываем pro rodnykh i blizkikh.) – [Neh za-bee-vah-yem proh rohd-nikh ee bleez-keekh.]
  • By the order of the commander! – По приказу командира! – (Po prikazu komandira!) – [Po pree-kah-zoo koh-man-dee-rah!]
  • No one but us! – Никто, кроме нас! – (Nikto, krome nas!) – [Nee-ktoh, kroh-meh nahs!]
  • In battle, not only the enemy dies, but also a comrade. – В бою погибает не только враг, но и товарищ. – (V boyu pogibaet ne tol’ko vrag, no i tovarishch.) – [V boh-yu pah-gi-ba-yet nee tol’-ko vrag, noh ee toh-vah-ree-shch.]
  • Enemy of the people! – Враг народа! – (Vrag naroda!) – [Vrag na-ro-dah!]
  • Do not count on mercy! – Не рассчитывайте на жалость! – (Ne rasschityvayte na zhalost!) – [Neh rass-chee-ty-vahy-teh nah zha-lost!]
  • We will not abandon our own! – Не бросим своих! – (Ne brosim svoikh!) – [Neh broh-seem svoykh!]
  • Shoot without hesitation! – Стреляй, не задумываясь! – (Strelyay, ne zadumyvayas’!) – [Stri-lyay, neh zadu-my-va-yas’!]
  • Everything for victory! – Все для победы! – (Vse dlya pobedy!) – [Vseh dlya pah-beh-dy!]
  • We need victory like air! – Нам нужна победа, как воздух! – (Nam nuzhna pobeda, kak vozdukh!) – [Nam noozh-nah pah-beh-dah, kak vahz-dookh!]
  • Never give up! – Никогда не сдавайся! – (Nikogda ne sdavaysya!) – [Nee-kahg-dah nee sdah-vahy-sya!]
  • Shoot first, hit first! – Стреляй первым, попади первым! – (Strelyay pervym, popadi pervym!) – [Stri-lya-y per-vym, pah-pah-dee per-vym!]
  • Death to fascism, freedom to the people! – Смерть фашизму, свобода народу! – (Smert’ fashizmu, svoboda narodu!)
  • Glory to the heroes! – Слава героям! – (Slava geroiyam!) – [Slah-vah geh-rah-yam!]
  • We will either win or die! – Мы победим или погибнем! – (My pobedim ili pogibnem!) – [Mee pah-beh-deem ee-lee pah-gee-bnem!]
  • We are not afraid of death! – Нам не страшна смерть! – (Nam ne strashna smert!) – [Nam nee strash-nah smert!]
  • Life is ahead, death is behind! – Жизнь – впереди, смерть – позади! – (Zhizn’ – vperedi, smert’ – pozadi!) – [Zheezn’ – vpe-re-dee, smert’ – po-za-dee!]
  • Our army does not surrender in battle! – В бою не сдаётся наша армия! – (V boyu ne sdaiotsya nasha armiya!) – [V boh-yu nee sdah-yot-sya na-sha ar-mee-ya!]
  • For freedom and for the Motherland! – За свободу и за Родину! – (Za svobodu i za Rodinu!) – [Za svo-boh-doo ee za Ro-dee-noo!]
  • To die for a cause is not death, but glory! – Погибнуть за дело – не смерть, а слава! – (Pogibnut’ za delo – ne smert’, a slava!) – [Pah-gib-noot’ za deh-loh – nee smert’, a slah-vah!]
  • Stand until the last! – Стоять до последнего! – (Stoyat’ do poslednego!) – [Sto-yat’ do pos-led-ne-go!]
  • We will fight the fascists to the end! – Будем бить фашистов до конца! – (Budem bit’ fashistov do kontsa!) – [Boo-dem beet’ fah-shee-stov do kon-tsa!]
  • The enemy shall not pass! – Враг не пройдет! – (Vrag ne proydet!) – [Vrag nee proy-det!]
  • I swear to defend the Motherland! – Клянусь защищать Родину! – (Klyanus’ zashchishchat’ Rodinu!) – [Klya-nus’ za-shchi-shchat’ Ro-dee-nu!]
  • I swear loyalty to the people and the Soviet government! – Клянусь верностью народу и Советской власти! – (Klyanus’ vernost’yu narodu i Sovetskoy vlasti!) – [Klyan-oos’ ver-nost’-yu na-ro-du ee So-vet-skoy vlas-tee!]
  • Our victory is close! – Наша победа близка! – (Nasha pobeda blizka!) – [Na-sha po-be-da bleez-ka!]
  • Brother for brother! – Брат за брата! – (Brat za brata!) – [Braht za brah-ta!]
  • We are marching to victory! – Мы идём на победу! – (My idyom na pobedu!) – [Mee ee-dyom na po-beh-doo!]
  • We will not abandon our own! – Не бросим своих! – (Ne brosim svoikh!) – [Neh broh-seem svoykh!]
  • Shoot without hesitation! – Стреляй, не задумываясь! – (Strelyay, ne zadumyvayas’!) – [Stri-lyay, neh zadu-my-va-yas’!]
  • Everything for victory! – Все для победы! – (Vse dlya pobedy!) – [Vseh dlya pah-beh-dy!]
  • We need victory like air! – Нам нужна победа, как воздух! – (Nam nuzhna pobeda, kak vozdukh!) – [Nam noozh-nah pah-beh-dah, kak vahz-dookh!]
  • Never give up! – Никогда не сдавайся! – (Nikogda ne sdavaysya!) – [Nee-kahg-dah nee sdah-vahy-sya!]
  • Shoot first, hit first! – Стреляй первым, попади первым! – (Strelyay pervym, popadi pervym!) – [Stri-lya-y per-vym, pah-pah-dee per-vym!]
  • Death to fascism, freedom to the people! – Смерть фашизму, свобода народу! – (Smert’ fashizmu, svoboda narodu!)
  • Glory to the heroes! – Слава героям! – (Slava geroiyam!) – [Slah-vah geh-rah-yam!]
  • We will either win or die! – Мы победим или погибнем! – (My pobedim ili pogibnem!) – [Mee pah-beh-deem ee-lee pah-gee-bnem!]
  • We are not afraid of death! – Нам не страшна смерть! – (Nam ne strashna smert!) – [Nam nee strash-nah smert!]
  • Life is ahead, death is behind! – Жизнь – впереди, смерть – позади! – (Zhizn’ – vperedi, smert’ – pozadi!) – [Zheezn’ – vpe-re-dee, smert’ – po-za-dee!]
  • Our army does not surrender in battle! – В бою не сдаётся наша армия! – (V boyu ne sdaiotsya nasha armiya!) – [V boh-yu nee sdah-yot-sya na-sha ar-mee-ya!]
  • For freedom and for the Motherland! – За свободу и за Родину! – (Za svobodu i za Rodinu!) – [Za svo-boh-doo ee za Ro-dee-noo!]
  • To die for a cause is not death, but glory! – Погибнуть за дело – не смерть, а слава! – (Pogibnut’ za delo – ne smert’, a slava!) – [Pah-gib-noot’ za deh-loh – nee smert’, a slah-vah!]
  • Stand until the last! – Стоять до последнего! – (Stoyat’ do poslednego!) – [Sto-yat’ do pos-led-ne-go!]
  • We will fight the fascists to the end! – Будем бить фашистов до конца! – (Budem bit’ fashistov do kontsa!) – [Boo-dem beet’ fah-shee-stov do kon-tsa!]
  • The enemy shall not pass! – Враг не пройдет! – (Vrag ne proydet!) – [Vrag nee proy-det!]
  • I swear to defend the Motherland! – Клянусь защищать Родину! – (Klyanus’ zashchishchat’ Rodinu!) – [Klya-nus’ za-shchi-shchat’ Ro-dee-nu!]
  • I swear loyalty to the people and the Soviet government! – Клянусь верностью народу и Советской власти! – (Klyanus’ vernost’yu narodu i Sovetskoy vlasti!) – [Klyan-oos’ ver-nost’-yu na-ro-du ee So-vet-skoy vlas-tee!]
  • Our victory is close! – Наша победа близка! – (Nasha pobeda blizka!) – [Na-sha po-be-da bleez-ka!]
  • Brother for brother! – Брат за брата! – (Brat za brata!) – [Braht za brah-ta!]
  • We are marching to victory! – Мы идём на победу! – (My idyom na pobedu!) – [Mee ee-dyom na po-beh-doo!]
  • Courageously, comrades, forward! – Смело, товарищи, вперед! – (Smelo, tovarishchi, vpered!) – [Sme-lo, to-va-ree-schee, vpe-red!]
  • Nothing is impossible for us! – Для нас нет ничего невозможного! – (Dlya nas net nichego nevozmozhnogo!) – [Dlya nas net ni-che-go ne-voz-mozh-no-go!]
  • By defending the Motherland, we defend freedom! – Защищая Родину, мы защищаем свободу! – (Zaschishchaya Rodinu, my zaschishchaem svobodu!) – [Za-scheesh-cha-ya Ro-dee-noo, mee za-scheesh-cha-yem svo-boh-doo!]
  • We will defeat the enemy and defend the Motherland! – Мы победим врага и защитим Родину! – (My pobedim vraga i zashchitim Rodinu!) – [Mee po-beh-dim vra-ga ee za-shchee-tim Ro-dee-nu!]
  • We are fighting for a just cause! – Мы боремся за правое дело! – (My boremsya za pravoe delo!) – [Mee bo-reem-sya za pra-vo-ye de-lo!]
  • Every soldier is a fortress! – Каждый боец – крепость! – (Kazhdyi boets – krepkost’!) – [Kaj-dyi bo-ets – krep-kost’]
  • We are not allowed to surrender! – Нам не дано сдаться! – (Nam ne dado sdatsya!) – [Nam nee da-no sdat-sya!]
  • Our task is to crush the enemy! – Наша задача – разгромить врага! – (Nasha zadacha – razgromit’ vraga!)
  • Our path is only forward! – Нам дорога только вперед! – (Nam doroga tol’ko vpered!)
  • Those who are not with us are against us! – Кто не с нами, тот против нас! – (Kto ne s nami, tot protiv nas!)
  • Victory will be ours! – Победа будет за нами! – (Pobeda budet za nami!)
  • No panic! – Никакого паницизма! – (Nikakogo panicizma!)
  • First thing’s first – artillery! – Первым делом – артиллерия! (Pervym delom – artilleriya!)
  • Hit and run! – Бей и беги! – (Bey i begi!)
  • Never surrender! – Никогда не сдаюсь! – (Nikogda ne sdaius’!)
  • Better a bullet in the forehead than a shell in the back. – Лучше пуля в лоб, чем снаряд в спину – (Luchshe pulya v lob, chem snaryad v spinu)
  • In battle, there’s no choice. – В бою не выбирают – (V boyu ne vybirayut)
  • We may be gone, but the fight will go on. – Нас нет, а бой будет – (Nas net, a boy budet)
  • He who doesn’t take risks doesn’t drink champagne. – Кто не рискует, тот не пьет шампанское – (Kto ne riskuet, tot ne p’yet shampanskoe)
  • Our soldier is our pride. – Наш боец – наша гордость – (Nash boyets – nasha gordost’)
  • Long live our victory! – Да здравствует наша победа! – (Da zdravstvuet nasha pobeda!)
  • Handle your weapon with care. – Бережно обращайтесь с оружием – (Berezhno obrashchaytes’ s oruzhiem)
  • Strong spirit, strong army. – Сильный дух – сильная армия – (Sil’nyy dukh – sil’naya armiya)
  • Silence is golden. – Молчание – золото – (Molchanie – zoloto)
  • Courageously, comrades, forward! – Смело, товарищи, вперед! – (Smelo, tovarishchi, vpered!) – [Sme-lo, to-va-ree-schee, vpe-red!]
  • Nothing is impossible for us! – Для нас нет ничего невозможного! – (Dlya nas net nichego nevozmozhnogo!) – [Dlya nas net ni-che-go ne-voz-mozh-no-go!]
  • By defending the Motherland, we defend freedom! – Защищая Родину, мы защищаем свободу! – (Zaschishchaya Rodinu, my zaschishchaem svobodu!) – [Za-scheesh-cha-ya Ro-dee-noo, mee za-scheesh-cha-yem svo-boh-doo!]
  • We will defeat the enemy and defend the Motherland! – Мы победим врага и защитим Родину! – (My pobedim vraga i zashchitim Rodinu!) – [Mee po-beh-dim vra-ga ee za-shchee-tim Ro-dee-nu!]
  • We are fighting for a just cause! – Мы боремся за правое дело! – (My boremsya za pravoe delo!) – [Mee bo-reem-sya za pra-vo-ye de-lo!]
  • Every soldier is a fortress! – Каждый боец – крепость! – (Kazhdyi boets – krepkost’!) – [Kaj-dyi bo-ets – krep-kost’]
  • We are not allowed to surrender! – Нам не дано сдаться! – (Nam ne dado sdatsya!) – [Nam nee da-no sdat-sya!]
  • Our task is to crush the enemy! – Наша задача – разгромить врага! – (Nasha zadacha – razgromit’ vraga!)
  • Our path is only forward! – Нам дорога только вперед! – (Nam doroga tol’ko vpered!)
  • Those who are not with us are against us! – Кто не с нами, тот против нас! – (Kto ne s nami, tot protiv nas!)
  • Victory will be ours! – Победа будет за нами! – (Pobeda budet za nami!)
  • No panic! – Никакого паницизма! – (Nikakogo panicizma!)
  • First thing’s first – artillery! – Первым делом – артиллерия! (Pervym delom – artilleriya!)
  • Hit and run! – Бей и беги! – (Bey i begi!)
  • Never surrender! – Никогда не сдаюсь! – (Nikogda ne sdaius’!)
  • Better a bullet in the forehead than a shell in the back. – Лучше пуля в лоб, чем снаряд в спину – (Luchshe pulya v lob, chem snaryad v spinu)
  • In battle, there’s no choice. – В бою не выбирают – (V boyu ne vybirayut)
  • We may be gone, but the fight will go on. – Нас нет, а бой будет – (Nas net, a boy budet)
  • He who doesn’t take risks doesn’t drink champagne. – Кто не рискует, тот не пьет шампанское – (Kto ne riskuet, tot ne p’yet shampanskoe)
  • Our soldier is our pride. – Наш боец – наша гордость – (Nash boyets – nasha gordost’)
  • Long live our victory! – Да здравствует наша победа! – (Da zdravstvuet nasha pobeda!)
  • Handle your weapon with care. – Бережно обращайтесь с оружием – (Berezhno obrashchaytes’ s oruzhiem)
  • Strong spirit, strong army. – Сильный дух – сильная армия – (Sil’nyy dukh – sil’naya armiya)
  • Silence is golden. – Молчание – золото – (Molchanie – zoloto)
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